About Me


Welcome to my blog. His Words – His Wisdom is a reflection of the saving grace of Jesus and His redemptive love that has touched every area of my soul. The heart of this blog is 50 years in the making. Many of the things I post will be personal reflections and writings from years of journaling as a form of prayer to the Lord. In addition, there will also be application of scripture for our lives. I have divided the blog, at least for now, into categories: Devotions, My Story (which are vignettes of my personal testimony), and Prayers along with some Poetry I have written. 

I came to the Lord in my late twenties while I was spiritually and emotionally shattered. Consequently, since my conversion, much healing, redeeming, and renewing has taken place. And while many parts might come as a surprise to some, I only seek to bring glory to the Lord for all He has done in my life and where He has brought me from.

All those years ago, the Lord looked down on a young girl who had lived life on HER on terms – and He had mercy. He continued to have mercy as He lovingly taught me, healed me, and restored me. The life you see now is only possible because Jesus Christ changed my fate. Without Him, I would not be here to write anything. Honestly, without His intervention, I’m not sure where I would be. However, I am certain, I would not be living the beautiful life I am living now. And, because my life is a testament to the love of Jesus working in my soul, I will endeavor to be as authentic as possible. For, only in being transparent about my past, will you be able to see the depth of my gratitude and the wonder of His power. 

It is this Love working in me that causes me to want to share – to want to be a Hope Dealer and a Faith Builder. It is my heartfelt desire that my words bring edification and life. I pray that as you read the words which give glory to the One who changed my fate, you will find hope in them for your own life. 

He has been long suffering with me. 
He has given me countless do overs.
He has celebrated my successes and mourned with me over my losses. 
He has been my constant Companion, and a constant source of strength. 
He has forever been faithful, even when I have not.
He has been my Husband.
He has been the lover of my soul.

And even when the healing was too painful; the struggle too difficult, and I didn’t want to do it anymore – 

He never once left me.
He would quietly, in kindness, lead me back to His Plan – loving me all the more.

Rachael Wendy Baulch
